2084 – In this sequel to The Sphere Conflict, now ten years after that political upheaval, the world is still in turmoil and the question is: “Can it be saved or will everyone perish?”
The oceans are dying and have massive garbage swirls. The greatest scientific discovery in history that could save the planet will occur but it might fall into the wrong hands. Geopolitical forces are threatening to annihilate the planet. The world will be introduced to Haley, the first truly sentient AI, but will she be a saviour or a destroyer? The fate and future of the planet depend on Haley and three scientists, Dr Hans Terrefield, to save the oceans and Dr Nathan Ezekiel and Dr Kate Smythe to protect the ultimate scientific discovery. Will they be able to stave off the inevitable crisis that could end life on Earth?
2084 – In this sequel to The Sphere Conflict, now ten years after that political upheaval, the world is still in turmoil and the question is: “Can it be saved or will everyone perish?”
The oceans are dying and have massive garbage swirls. The greatest scientific discovery in history that could save the planet will occur but it might fall into the wrong hands. Geopolitical forces are threatening to annihilate the planet. The world will be introduced to Haley, the first truly sentient AI, but will she be a saviour or a destroyer? The fate and future of the planet depend on Haley and three scientists, Dr Hans Terrefield, to save the oceans and Dr Nathan Ezekiel and Dr Kate Smythe to protect the ultimate scientific discovery. Will they be able to stave off the inevitable crisis that could end life on Earth?